Servicio de publicación de animales perdidos en

Have you lost your pet?

You have made emotional ties with your pet, feed him, take care of him, do not miss anything, and suddenly one day he is not there. A lost animal can ruin our day, and much more. Anything can happen to him right now. Now you can not only hang posters by street, share in your circle of friends, social networks, etc., but you can also upload a file of it in Animal Services.

This tab will be fixed in the zone where you sign up, it will not be lost in a history of status updates as it happens in other social networks. It will be much more accessible here in Animal Services by geographical location, you can simply change the location and if close to your location someone has lost an animal you will see these cards for 3 months. People who connect near the area where you have published your lost pet, you can see the profile of your lost pet, with what we think it will be much easier for someone to identify you and find it. That is, in this way your pet is geographically located and will be easier to identify.

You do not need registration to use this tool. To publish a lost animal you just have to send us the lost animal publication. We hope it is easy to use, if you find any way to improve this tool do not hesitate to contact us.