Give a pet up for adoption

Single registration

Both individuals and protectors have a unique record in Animal Services. But to give in adoption several animals you have to be a user activated as a protector of animals. If you belong to an animal protector, and you have already registered, you simply need to contact us here and we will activate the protector options.

The normal process is the following:

Have you found a lost pet?

First of all you can publish it in sightings in case someone is looking for it. You can also search lost in case the owner has already put you as lost, in this case, you will have your contact information to call him and give him great joy.

If you have taken a pet that you have found to your home, you have already become a foster home. It is very necessary that there are more shelters, since many protectors work with shelters because they do not have the income to pay for a shelter. The best thing is to contact the nearest protector so that they can publish the animal you have found while you have it. The day to day of the protectors is to get new homes for people who can, and who are aware, what it means to have a pet. This will ensure that the animal found has a happy ending.

It would also be good to make yourself known as a foster home. Many households could temporarily help the protectors to manage more cases. Most of the protectors are overflowing. If you have space in your house for one more temporarily sign up as a foster home ;)

Are you protective and want to give in adoption?

When entering with username and password, you can publish animals found, adopted, reserved and adopted with the menu on the top right, on the footprint icon.

Animal management menu

If you give 'Publish found, for adoption, reserved or adopted' a form like the following will appear:

Individual profile form for animal profile

With this form new animals are added one by one, but you can also add many at a time. In the section of 'Your published animals' you have the management of all you post.

Management of all animals published

To load all the animals massively in Animal Services, or update them, it can be done following the three steps of the section on the top right, where it says 'Massive Updates', a screen like the following will appear:

Publication and massive edition of animal profiles

All the management of the animals is at the top right, in the footprint that is displayed. There is also a second menu of services where you can register the protective service, shelters, etc.

Are you a private individual and want to give a pet up for adoption?

We recommend you contact the nearest animal protector, so they can treat your case as estimated. Giving up adoption is a delicate process. To give in adoption in a correct way, the protectors follow a series of steps. First they filter the people who want these animals, they inform and recommend them as they interview the most appropriate type of pet for each one, they make pre-adoption contracts, they adopt, they sterilize the animals of domestic species with excess population, they vaccinate, they chip the animals that have to carry it, in collaboration with veterinarians .. And they also follow up on the animals that have been adopted.

If you are a private individual and you want to give a pet up for adoption, you can publish your external case here: external cases

Why, if I am a private individual, can I not publish directly to give an adoption?

Dations between individuals could lead, in many cases due to ignorance, to the problems that exist in many countries:

With the sole intention of not worsening the situation in the societies, if you are an individual, we recommend that you address the nearest protector to give in adoption. In the case of being very sure that what you should do is give a pet up for adoption, and it is impossible for you to find another solution, to avoid unnecessary abandonments, sacrifices or cages, you can publish your external case here: external cases